Index of values

array_float_parmap [Parmap]
array_float_parmap ~ncores:n f a computes f a by forking n processes on a multicore machine, and preallocating the resulting array as shared memory, which allows significantly more efficient computation than calling the generic array_parmap function.
array_float_parmapi [Parmap]
array_parmap [Parmap]
array_parmap ~ncores:n f a computes f a by forking n processes on a multicore machine.
array_parmapi [Parmap]
Like array_parmap, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element

debugging [Parmap]

get_default_ncores [Parmap]

init_shared_buffer [Parmap]
init_shared_buffer a creates a new memory mapped shared buffer big enough to hold a float array of the size of a.

parfold [Parmap]
parfold ~ncores:n op (L l) b concat computes List.fold_right op l b by forking n processes on a multicore machine.
pariter [Parmap]
pariter ~ncores:n f (L l) computes List.iter f l by forking n processes on a multicore machine.
pariteri [Parmap]
Like pariter, but the iterated function gets as an extra argument the index of the sequence element
parmap [Parmap]
parmap ~ncores:n f (L l) computes f l by forking n processes on a multicore machine.
parmapfold [Parmap]
parmapfold ~ncores:n f (L l) op b concat computes List.fold_right op ( f l) b by forking n processes on a multicore machine.
parmapi [Parmap]
Like parmap, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element
parmapifold [Parmap]
Like parmapfold, but the map function gets as an extra argument the index of the mapped element

redirecting [Parmap]

set_default_ncores [Parmap]